During the 2017 school year, approximately 25% of the Alliance Early Learning School's kindergarten class had participated in SPARK Alliance. When looking at the data results of the kindergarten readiness assessment, that group of 52 students increased the overall district performance score by 8%. We know the programs we are using work, and the data results prove it.
The Early Childhood Education Alliance (ECEA) is grateful for our funders, because they make it all possible. We would like to thank the United Way of Greater Stark County, The Greater Alliance Foundation, the Alliance City School District, The Sisters of Charity Foundation, and the city of Alliance for making a difference not only in the lives of the children and families we serve, but for also making a positive impact on the future of Alliance. Thank you.
If you or someone you know are interested in investing in the future of Alliance via The Early Childhood Education Alliance, please contact the ECEA Director, Liz Hibbs at 330-829-1234 extension 1941. You can also email at [email protected]. Thank you.